Marketing the 'Lost' TV Drama Series: ABC's Integrated Marketing
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG156
Case Length : 15 Pages
Period : 2004-2006
Organization : ABC Entertainment
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : USA
Industry : Media and Entertainment
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"The show ('Lost') breaks so many rules, and we're really
trying to do the same with our marketing and be organic."1
- Michael Benson, senior vice-president of marketing, at ABC
Entertainment, in May 2006.
"If ever a show was designed to stretch the boundaries of
engagement across media, it's ABC's 'Lost'. The show is a test case for how an
integrated marketing campaign can powerfully combine channels in a
more-than-addictive way."2
- Nanette Marcus and Jodi Harris, editors of iMedia
Connection3, in May 2006.
"This [the trend of using gimmicks and other media to
market TV programs] is dangerous because the networks are calling into question
their own medium."4
- Jack Trout5, world-renowned marketing expert, in September
The 'Lost' Marketing Experience
On April 24, 2006, ABC Entertainment 6(ABC) along with UK's Channel 4 Television7
(Channel 4) and Australia's Seven Network8 (Seven Network) announced the launch
of 'The Lost Experience' (TLE), a web-based alternative reality game9 (ARG). TLE
was based on 'Lost', the hugely popular television series (TV series) in the US,
which had acquired a strong fan following. The TV series took viewers through
the day-to-day lives of the survivors of a plane crash, who were stranded on a
mysterious tropical island. With TLE, ABC was seeking to engage its loyal fan
base through yet another medium. The game was designed to reveal many secrets
about the show, in which the mystery was yet to be unraveled even after two
successful seasons had been completed.
According to Mike Benson (Benson), senior vice-president of marketing at ABC,
the clues to the game would be dispersed among a number of media and the
players had to watch the TV shows including the commercials if they wanted
to solve TLE.
ABC expected that TLE would be the optimal marketing
tool, that would keep 'Lost' fans engaged and involved with the show
during the summer,10 and bring them back when the show re-started for the
third season in the fall of 2006. It also expected TLE to create a buzz
around the show and rope in new viewers for the third season.
Benson said, "We see it as a kind of scavenger hunt meets a jigsaw
puzzle. We wanted to create something that was a deeper, richer
experience for fans and give fans something to carry them over between
seasons. But we also wanted to create something so unique that they
would want to share it with friends."11 |
Marketing the 'Lost' TV Drama Series: ABC's Integrated Marketing Strategy
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